• We have 2 x 1 hour space left at Dunsfold Park this Sunday 28th July from 09:30 to 10:30 & 15:00 to 16:00.
  • To book either of these SPACES please go to the BOOK NOW section of this website
  • for further details please call Jon Reynolds on 07769900390 or email info@driveb4uturn17.co.uk

Learner Driver Useful Links

We've put together a selection of useful links.

Useful Links

Company / Organisation About Link
Safe Driving for Life  Helping you prepare for your theory and practical tests and beyond. www.safedrivingforlife.info
The Under 17 Car Club Young people can join the Club when they are 11, provided that their 12th birthday occurs during their first season, but once their 15th birthday has passed they are too old. I have posted this link as I think it is a great organisation run by unpaid, volunteer associates and an initiative which is sure to make our young drivers of the future safer www.under17-carclub.co.uk
Brake The Road Safety Charity www.brake.org.uk
Hendy Car & Van Store 'TIREDNESS AT THE WHEEL' An essential road safety guide for understanding driver fatigue.  https://www.hendycarstore.co.uk/driver-fatigue-essential-road-safety-guide/
Think! Provides road safety information for road users. Aim is to encourage safer behaviour to reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year. think.direct.gov.uk
Drink Aware Resources Resources for parents and children to learn about alcohol consumption resources.drinkaware.co.uk
Road Safety News 'Drive B4 U Turn 17' magazine article www.roadsafetygb.org.uk/news/2609.htm
Get Insurance Quotes Teenagers and parents guide to safe driving www.getinsurancequotes.ca/guide-to-auto-driving-safety
Distracted Drivers


Resources for parents and children a useful safety guide for responsible young drivers

